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Special software for evaluation, analysis and modelling


ProCaView is a software developed by us to analyse the results of potential fields and concrete cover measured over surfaces or other grid-based examinations. The current version is able to manage the preparation and visualization of measured data as well as evaluate the data statistically. Automatic data preparation for further statistical analysis with, for example, STRUREL is possible at all times. By using a laptop it is possible to analyse the data on site during construction.


To design reinforced concrete structures with respect to durability we use the software package STRUREL which consists of the components STATREL (for statistical description of data), COMREL (for full probabilistic reliability analysis) and SYSREL (for full probabilistic reliability analysis with Bayesian updating).

During the design stage we develop concepts for durable structures based on a priori calculations. By implementing data from inspections and monitoring we are able to obtain highly realistic values for the time-dependent development of the safety index and failure probability for the structural component in question.


Femmasse (Finite Element Modules for MAterial Science and Structural Engineering) is software based on finite elements to model and calculate the following.

  • Adiabatic heat development
  • Restraint stresses in structural members
  • Maturity and degree of hydration
  • Heat and moisture transport
  • Evolution of hydration heat in members under given conditions
  • Thermal and hygral deformation of structural members
  • Strength development
  • Visoelasticity and fracture.

The advantage of this software is the ability to consider the time-dependent properties concrete rather than using finite elements to model complex structural elements. Besides viscoelastic performance (creep/relaxation) we can also implement the time-dependent strength and deformation properties, time-dependent shrinkage and the real adiabatic development of hydration heat in any concrete type. With this software, temperature gradients and internal stresses (caused by the release of the hydration heat) can be calculated. For example, temperature gradients and the resulting stress due to dissipation of the heat of hydration can be calculated. This permits the deduction of the residual stress which, for example, is necessary for the calculation of minimum reinforcement.